School Closing Information
Should it become necessary to cancel, delay the start of, or dismiss school early due to inclement weather or a disaster, parents will be notified as quickly as possible through announcements on the following local radio stations: WEKZ-FM (93.7), WFRL-AM (1570), WFPS (FM 92.1) and television stations WTVO (Channel 17),WREX (Channel 13) & WIFR (Channel 23). The announcement will also be posted on our Facebook page and the TCCS website. An email will be sent out to all families on the email list in addition to a change made to the voice message when calling the main office phone line (815-233-1876) that reflects the closing.
New Policy Effective 2/7/14
"It is the usual policy of TCCS to follow the decisions of Freeport District #145 in regard to school closings, delayed starts, and early dismissals.
However, there may be exceptions when TCCS will make a decision on closing or staying open differing from Freeport District #145. Primarily in situations where Freeport District #145 would need to close school due to extreme temperatures, TCCS may decide to remain open.
In the event of delayed starts and early dismissals, students who ride District #145 buses are able to utilize their regular buses but on an adjusted schedule."
If you have questions concerning procedure during inclement weather, please call our main office.