TCCS has always been committed to providing Christian education to as many children from Christian families as possible, including those with mild learning disabilities, A.D.D., etc. To accomplish this educational objective, TCCS does the following:
TCCS operates a part-time academic learning center and a Title 1 reading program where these students are given special assistance enabling them to become better students before they become discouraged learners.
TCCS works closely with the local public schools whenever possible to obtain special education testing and speech services.
TCCS takes a proactive approach to identifying and helping struggling students by identifying specific learning types. If it is beneficial for the student, classsroom teachers will adjust assignments, differentiate their instructions and adjust to specific needs, as able. Having classroom aides in the lower grades, when enrollment merits, also helps assure that the slower learners are getting the extra attention they need to get a solid academic start in school.
If you have specific questions or needs regarding your child's education, please call and talk with our administrator, Mrs. Wendy Schardt.