About Us
The Tri-County Christian School Story
Tri-County Christian School Association (TCCSA) was organized in 1981 by a small group of Christians representing six different denominations. Their aim was to assist Christian parents with their God-given responsibility to train their children in the ways of the Lord.
Tri-County Christian School was founded because the Bible is clear that a Christian’s life cannot be divided into the secular and the sacred. All of life is religious. Put another way, there is no area of life (or school) that doesn’t have something to do with the God who created this world and who continues to guide it today and forever. Therefore, true Christian education means that all academic subjects must be taught from a Biblical world and life view. Rather than being in a school that teaches from a secular point of view, Christian children need to be in a school that agrees with the teaching of the Christian home and the church. When children are taught one set of values at school and a different set at home and in church, the result is often uncertainty and spiritual confusion in the minds of such children.
In 1983 the Association opened a K-3 program with 23 students based on a vision for a quality non-denominational Christian school that would support and reinforce the values of the Christian home and local church. The partnership between students, parents, local churches, and faculty has combined outstanding academics, spiritual training, and character development and has resulted in significant accomplishments by our students.
Pastor Larry & Jill Couch returned for a visit to TCCS in 2018. Pastor Larry had the vision for
Tri-County Christian School over 35 years ago while pastoring North Grove Church in Forreston. Larry & Jill Couch went on to start another Christian school in Iowa and are currently serving as missionaries in Athens, Greece. We are so grateful for all of our founding families!