
Your child spends approximately 1,150 hours at school each year.

Set them up for long-term success in an environment they love at Tri-County Christian School.

 Are you looking for a school that…

...sets your child up for long-term success through educational excellence?

...focuses on long-term character development?

...partners with your family in your child’s education?

...teaches students the importance of service to their peers?

Look No Further ↓


At Tri-County Christian School

Tri-County Christian School has been providing quality Christian education to the Freeport, Illinois area for more than 30 years. 

Preschool - 8th grade classes

Two, three, and five day preschool (full or half day options)

All education taught from a Christian worldview

Schoolwide weekly chapel service

Freeport’s only independent, interdenominational Christian school

Learn More About Tri-County Christian School’s In-Person Learning Options >

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a parent.

We’re More than a School …

We’re Family


Why Choose Tri-County Christian School

  • 30+ Years of Serving the Freeport Area

    Tri-County Christian School Association (TCCSA) was organized in 1981 by a small group of Christians representing six different denominations.

  • Full- or Half-day Preschool Options

    Tri-County Christian School seeks to aid in the development of the whole child, in all facets of their being, including: intellectual, physical, spiritual and social/emotional. Our model is Luke 2:52, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.”

    Two-day, three-day or five-day full- or half-day preschool and pre-kindergarten options available.

  • Proven Educational Excellence

    The quality of our academic program is evidenced by the many top honors our students have earned in competitions against other private and public schools. Our graduates have gone on to be….

  • Financial Aid and Discounts Available

    As a school, we aspire to see that every qualifying family who would choose for their child to receive a Christian education would have that chance. For this reason, we offer a special discount to new families and a financial scholarship to families that qualify as long as funds remain available.

  • Utilization of Cutting Edge Technology

    TCCS uses technology in the classroom to support both teaching and learning. The use of 1:1 Chromebooks, interactive projectors and smart software increases student engagement, assists our teachers as they present dynamic lessons, and facilitates personalized learning.

    Our school management system keeps you connected to your students’ school, their activities, and their educational progress with the convenience of a mobile site and/or app.

 About Tri-County Christian School


The mission of Tri-County Christian School is to provide the Christian family with Christ-centered educational experiences, emphasizing the development of Christian character, educational excellence and preparation for a lifetime of service to God and man.

Tri-County Christian School’s traditional classrooms focus on all commonly taught academic subjects while also offering Bible class (course content varies by grade), and training in Christian character development. Other distinctives include traditional phonics instruction in grades K-3, creative writing, public speaking, keyboarding proficiency and fine arts electives in the junior high. The overall quality of our academic program is evidenced by the many top honors our students have won in competitions against other private and public schools. Each year, Tri-County students capture awards in district and/or area-wide spelling bees, math Olympics, speech meets, etc.

Along with its quality academics, Tri-County Christian School seeks to “educate for eternity” by systematically integrating a Biblical worldview and value system throughout all of our academic instruction and student activities. To accomplish this goal, the school only employs certified teachers who are also committed evangelical Christians. TCCS strives to present Christ as Creator, Savior, and Lord in every subject area and school activity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Tri-County Christian School (TCCS) unique?

TCCS is Freeport’s only independent, interdenominational Christian school. This means that our school is not directly affiliated with any specific church but we are supported by many churches. Our staff and student body come from around 20 different church families.

What would it cost to send my children to TCCS?

Tuition rates for a TCCS education are competitive and in line with other local private schools. We also offer a multi-child and new family discount with financial aid up to 45% available for those who qualify. Families consider the tuition that they pay as a valuable and significant investment in their children’s futures.

Will my child be safe at TCCS?

Providing a safe and healthy environment is of utmost importance as students spend seven hours (or more) in school. TCCS has invested much in maintaining in-person classes for all grade levels. Not one calendar school day with in-person classes was missed at TCCS in the 2020-21 school year. Remote options were offered for high risk students and/or for students who were required to quarantine however, we maintain our belief that the environment most beneficial to the whole child, is for students to be in school, in person. Alongside the importance of protecting the physical wellbeing of these students, is the relevance of the social-emotional and spiritual environment. We elevate the importance of guarding the minds of these children and in teaching them from a biblical worldview.

Can I get a quality education at TCCS?

TCCS is staffed with educators that average over 15 years of experience apiece. Our educational philosophy is grounded in Scripture and our educational objectives include spiritual growth, students’ personal and social development, rigorous academics, and working in partnership with families. Embedded in our mission is an emphasis on educational excellence with a reminder that all academics have a spiritual foundation. “In (Christ) are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). In addition, our mission focuses on the development of Christian character and a lifetime of service to God and man. We strive for our education to impact the whole child.

 Tri-County Christian School | 2900 W Loras Drive, Freeport, IL 61032 | Phone (815) 233-1876 | Fax (815) 233-4862 | office@tricountychristian.org